It is that time again – time to recognize those outstanding volunteers who make all the difference when it comes to helping local non-profits assist those in a crisis.
The Catawba County United Way is planning to host the annual Giving from the Heart Volunteer Awards on Nov. 18 to help recognize these invaluable individuals.
One agency/organization may submit a maximum of five nominations in each category: adult individual, youth and group. Nominations are due by Oct. 11.
Eligibility requirements include:
• Nominee’s volunteer organization must serve the community at large.
• Nominee’s volunteer organization must be a non-profit or a governmental agency to receive the award.
• Youth award - Individual 18 years or younger. Youth groups are eligible for the Group Award.
• An adult, youth or group is eligible in one category only.
• Group Award is for groups of 2 or more individuals.
If you would like to nominate an outstanding volunteer, fill out the Nomination Form at this link:
The Catawba County United Way is dedicated to helping increase the organized capacity of people to help others. For more information about the CCUW call 828-327-6851.