FEMA grants announced for Catawba County nonprofits

May 30, 2024


FEMA grants announced




Seven Catawba County nonprofits were recently awarded federal funds through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency under the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program.

They each received a share of $57,513 to supplement emergency food and shelter outreach in the county for Phase 41 of the program with the Catawba County United Way overseeing the administration of this grant process.

The local nonprofits receiving funds include Ashure Ministry for rent/mortgage, Exodus Homes for shelter, Family Guidance Center for shelter, Greater Hickory Cooperative Christian Ministry for rent/utilities, Hickory Soup Kitchen for food, The Salvation Army of Greater Hickory for food/rent/shelter and The Corner Table for food.

A local board made up of representatives from Catawba County United Way, Catawba Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross, Catholic Charities, The Hickory Ministerial Association, The Salvation Army, a homeless or formerly homeless representative, and a representative of county government, meet this month to determine how the funds awarded to Catawba County were distributed. 

Under the terms of the grant from the National Board, local agencies chosen to receive funds must: 1) be private voluntary non-profits or units of government, 2) be eligible to receive Federal funds, 3) have an accounting system, 4) practice non-discrimination, 5) have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs, and 6) if they are a private voluntary organization, have a voluntary board. 

These agencies are responsible for providing utility and rent/mortgage assistance, meals and lodging for Catawba County citizens in need throughout the past year.

The United Way will announce when the next round of FEMA grants open.

For more information, contact Mark Bumgarner at the Catawba County United Way office at mbumgarner@ccunitedway.com or 828-327-6851. 

Future Grant Cycles

Review the criteria listed below to determine if your agency or organization is eligible to apply for Federal Funds made available through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency under the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program.

For an agency to be eligible for funding it must:

  1. Be a non-profit or an agency of government.
  2. Not be debarred or suspended from receiving Federal Funding.
  3. Have a checking account (cash payments are not allowed).
  4. Have an accounting system or fiscal agent approved by the local board.
  5. Have a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). Note: contact local IRS office for more information on securing FEIN and the necessary form (SS-4) or go to the website: www.irs.gov.
  6. Have a Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number issued by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) and provide along with other required associated information (See the EFSP website for information on how to obtain.)
  7. Conduct an independent annual audit if receiving $50,000 or more in EFSP funds. Conduct an annual accountant's review if receiving $25,000 to $49,999 in EFSP funds.
  8. Be providing services and using its other resources in the area in which they are seeking funding.
  9. Practice nondiscrimination (those agencies with a religious affiliation wishing to participate in the program must not refuse services to an applicant based on religion or require attendance at religious services as a condition of assistance, nor will such groups engage in any religious proselytizing in any program receiving EFSP funds.
  10. Have a voluntary board if private, not-for-profit.
  11. To the extent practicable, involve homeless individuals and families, through employment, volunteer programs, in providing emergency food and shelter services.
  12. Submit required documents with completed application.
  13. If awarded funding, sign a written understanding of EFSP eligibility requirements (LRO Certification Form.)